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Good afternoon all,

Upcoming Funding Opportunities:

- “The State of Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry is seeking proposals from a Maine-based organization that supports local food producers, local food production, or low-income individuals in receiving food and nutrition assistance. This organization will use funds received to provide incentives to federal food and nutrition assistance program participants to purchase locally grown fruits and vegetables and to support outreach for and administration of programs that offer nutrition incentives to participants of federal food and nutrition assistance programs.” Please click here for the complete RFP (#202204065).

- There are upcoming state and federal funding opportunities through resiliency planning, including partnership grants, direct municipal grants and the direct MDOT grant fund to assist in water, sewer, and infrastructure projects associated with resiliency-related road project needs. Please click here to access the Funding/Finance page (scroll to the bottom of the page for the Funding Programs Guide) and here to access the Guide for Communities. MCOG will be reaching out to communities to put together collaboratives under the Service Provider category, with the intent of submitting an application in September. Interested communities should contact MCOG of their interest.

- The 2022 “Safe Streets and Roads for All” (SS4A) grants program is open for applications. The program, funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation is offering $1 billion in funding to local road projects. “The primary goal of the SS4A grants is to improve roadway safety by supporting communities in developing comprehensive safety action plans based on a Safe System Approach, and implementing projects and strategies that significantly reduce or eliminate transportation-related fatalities and serious injuries involving pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation, commercial vehicle operators and motorists.” Please click here to access the NOFO.

Upcoming Workshops:

- You are invited to attend a session on a unique, game changing technology related to the production of safe, on-demand hydrogen and its energy and sewer system treatment byproducts. The presentation will be made by the systems design team, Maine Manufacturing Partnership, a local Maine company. The session will be held by zoom (address forthcoming) or in person at the Waldoboro Town Hall on Thursday, June 2 at 1:30. The slide show, linked on our website (scroll down to “Past Issues” and click on “May 2022 On-Demand Hydrogen Slides), gives a very brief overview of the session and the implications it can have to you, the sewer systems you operate, or the islands you serve.

- Casco Bay Coastal Academy will be holding their next in-person workshop at Bug Light Park in South Portland from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 7th (rain date Wednesday, June 8 th). The topic will be field data collection using smartphone apps to support citizen science efforts. For more details, please click here to visit their website.


- The USDA and EDA have created a helpful “Joint Planning Resource Guide” where you can find programs relating to Planning and Technical Assistance, Infrastructure and Broadband Expansion, Entrepreneurship and Business Assistance, and Workforce Development and Livability. Please click here to access the resource. As a reminder, the General Assembly meeting will be held on June 23rd and will focus on Budget, Bylaws Amendment and the Strategic Planning Process. Time and location will follow.


The MCOG Team

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